Greater painted-snipe

Medium-sized, stunningly plumaged shorebird. Greater pained snipe hikes in grassy fields and marshes. Long reddish-brown bill, slightly decurved at the tip; distinct white or pinkish eye patch. White of breast extends up around top of folded wing. Rounded, buff-spotted wings and short tail. The greater painted snipe locate in marshes. The female has a bright reddish-brown head and greenish-tinged back and wings. The male is much duller than the female. The more lackluster colored male has a light brown head and brown upperparts dappled with orange and tan spots.

Birds feed on insect crustaceans, molluscs and seeds. The female triggers courtship and may mate with more than one male. The male incubates the eggs and takes the parental care. During breeding display, females commit a series of owl-like hoots. The male blurts from time to time a shrill trill. Fowl is not a vocal species. The breeding season is between April and July.

It advances solitary, in pairs or sometimes in groups of up to 12. Not a character bird. Probes for food in the mud. When flushed, flies like a rail with legs dangling. Bobs hindquarters on landing and sometimes when walking.

Birds are considered “less concern” conservation status, it spreads out in wetlands, subtropical plains, especially swamps and flooded grasslands; and depends on his environment to reproduce.