Avahi | the woolly sleeper
Distinct credit to his woolly coat, avahi is a noctural lemurs. Fur varies depending on the region you encounter it. Hairs stained grey-brown or completely red. Avahi often has white stripes on the torso of hands and legs, regardless of the variation in tone.
Like the indri indri the Avahi is a lemur evolving in a family group. Also, like them, they choose a partner when they reach adulthood and stay with this partner for the rest of their lives. The gestation of the Avahi occurs after May. Thus from August to September the newborns do not cease to flock. From this moment on, the infant takes 2 years to become independent. During his two years, the newborn will first learn to move at his own pace:
For the first few months, it is carried on its mother’s stomach and will move around it. When he has acquired more adroitness he will load himself on his mother’s back to finally move alone and try his first jumps.
When he is 2 years old, he will also assimilate holy food to his body. He will learn to feed himself by nibbling on the fruit tips and leaves that were squeezed out of his mother’s fingers.
The 2-year period that has elapsed for the young Avahi keeps a close relationship with his mother.
Once adult, the Avahi moves by jumps from branch to branch. However, due to its low nutritional intake, Avahis rarely maintain a high energy level, so they are often caught sleeping.